Friday, October 5, 2007

Signs of Spring

While people from both my Spokane life and my Willamette life have complained to me about the weather this week, I'm finally starting to warm up (teehee) to the weather here. Signs of spring are all around me, andI feel it is necessary to return the favors of all of you who bragged about summer while I was getting frostbite these past few months.

-I was out until 5:30 this morning, but I got up at 10 because the day was too beautiful to waste.
-There are juicy blue flowers blooming outside my window, and a growing family of birds has a nest in the ivy on the patio wall.
-I haven't worn a scarf in two weeks.
-I didn't have to jump up and down to keep warm while waiting in line outside El Huevo for two hours last night.
-The ocean and sky are blue blue blue, and the hill on the other side of the freeway by the beach is yellow, orange, red, and purple with flowers.
-There are waxy baby leaves in the ginger-roots shaped trees along my street
-I have seen several Chileans wearing a color other than black or brown.
-The beach is totally warm enough for bare feet, and I have a feeling that bikinis are soon to follow.

Seriously, I am, as usual, overwhelmed with the life and energy of spring. Facebook friends, prepare for some serious photo-adventures in the glory that is my favorite season.

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