Monday, July 30, 2007

Chilean Entertainment

Not having cable at home and hardly watching tv at school has limited my idiot box consumption to things I know I like: news, fake news, and Adult Swim. But televised entertainment is a very big deal here, and it is quickly invading my brain.

You see, I hate the buzz of a tv playing in a next room over. When you can only catch bits and pieces of dialogue and music, you recognize how shallow the entertainment actually is. The television in my host parents' room next door is constantly playing. Ugh. The good new is I've found a way to combat it! The bad news is it's by watching my own tv set...

I've very much grown to enjoy the Travel and Living channel, with cooking and eating and skydiving shows, and watching US sitcoms in English is a quick way to feel capable of understanding human communication again. I feel as though I'm gorging myself on the worst of both cultures- and unfortunately, loving it...

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